Julie Czech Republic 21 Comments

Prague is renowned as being one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. Unlike many cities in Europe, Prague emerged from World War II unscathed, with its historic architecture and cultural treasures intact. Climbing its gothic towers, visiting its ancient cathedrals, and strolling the colorful streets all top the list of things to do in Prague.

Journey through Prague with our list of top experiences this city has to offer.

This guide starts off with the top 10 things to do in Prague, perfect for those who are planning a quick trip to the city or only want to visit the “must-sees.” We then go on to list more things to do in Prague, for those with more time.

I do my best to keep the hours of operation and pricing up to date for each attraction, however, these can change at any time. I recommend getting updated hours and pricing for your dates of travel. The link to the official website is provided for each site.


Interesting Facts about Prague

Prague (Praha in Czech) is the largest city and the capital city of the Czech Republic.

This city has a long, rich history. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia and several Holy Roman Emperors called Prague home, including Charles IV and Rudolf II.

Prague is called the “City of a Hundred Spires.” If you climb one of Prague’s many towers, you’ll understand why this city has this nickname. Church spires rise up throughout the city in all directions, an amazing sight to see.

Prague suffered minor bombing during World War II, but nothing like many other European cities. Most of its original historic architecture remains intact. Seeing these original gothic towers, and climbing them for a view of the city, is one of the best things to do in Prague.

Old Town Bridge Tower View Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

The view from the Old Town Bridge Tower

Top 10 Things to Do in Prague

1. Stroll across the Charles Bridge

Charles Bridge (Karlov Most) is one of the most famous pedestrian bridges in the world, connecting the Old Town to the Lesser Town (Mala Strana).

It is an extremely photogenic walk, with views of Prague Castle, Vltava River, Old Town Tower Bridge, and Lesser Town Tower Bridge.

Charles Bridge | Best Things to Do in Prague

Charles Bridge


Charles Bridge Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

On the Charles Bridge, with a view of the Lesser Town Tower Bridge and St. Nicholas Church

Thirty statues line the bridge, including many famous saints (St. Francis of Assisi, St. Christopher, St. Ivo, and St. Wenceslas all have a place along Charles Bridge).

The oldest statue on the bridge is St. John of Nepomuk. In 1393, St. John of Nepomuk was thrown from the bridge and then a statue was erected in his honor. Look for the bronze statue of a saint with a golden halo around his head (it will most likely be surrounded by a group of people). Touching the Charles Bridge here brings good fortune and ensures a return visit to Prague.

St John of Nepomuk Prague

St. John of Nepomuk

2. Climb the Towers of Prague

Prague is called the “City of a Hundred Spires” and there is no better way to view this cityscape than from the top of its many towers. Here is a list of the best gothic towers to climb in Prague.

Old Town Hall Tower

This tower is part of the Old Town Hall. It sits next to Staroměstské náměstí, Prague’s most famous square. Pražský orloj, the Prague Astronomical Clock, is located on the outside of the Old Town Hall.

An elevator takes you most of the way to the top, making this the easiest tower to visit in Prague. The next portion of the “climb” can be done with another short elevator ride or a 5-minute walk up a large, spiraling ramp. Then it is one final climb up a narrow, metal spiral staircase, so you will have to climb a few steps, but that’s nothing compared to the other tower climbs on this list.

Old Town Hall Elevator Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

The spiraling ramp and the frame of the elevator

From the top of the Old Town Hall tower you get 360° views of Prague. It’s one of the best views of Prague and you can snap the iconic photo of the Týn Church and Staroměstské náměstí.

Get hours and pricing on the official website.

Best Things to Do in Prague

The view from the Old Town Hall Tower


Prague Town Hall Tower View

One more view from the Town Hall Tower

Old Town Bridge Tower

For another classic view of Prague, climb the steps of the Old Town Bridge Tower. This tower sits at the eastern end of the Charles Bridge and from here you get the iconic view of Charles Bridge with the backdrop of Prague Castle, as well as views over the Old Town. It’s one of the best viewpoints in the city.

Old Town Bridge Tower | Best Things to Do in Prague

Old Town Bridge Tower


Prague Czech Republic

The view from the Old Town Bridge Tower

Learn more about Prague’s towers and famous viewpoints in our guide to the Best Views of Prague.

Lesser Town Bridge Tower

This tower is located on the western end of the Charles Bridge, opposite from the Old Town Bridge Tower. Not only do you get a unique view of the Charles Bridge, but you also get wonderful views of Mala Strana, Prague Castle, and the dome of St. Nicholas Church.

Lesser Town Bridge Tower View | Best Things to Do in Prague

Lesser Town Bridge Tower view


Lesser Town Bridge Tower View Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

Another view from the Lesser Town Bridge Tower

Powder Tower

The Powder Tower is a gothic tower located to the east of Staroměstské náměstí and the heart of the old town. It doesn’t have the same iconic views as the towers already mentioned, but you still get a very nice view of Prague’s old town.

Powder Tower View Prague

View from the Powder Tower

3. Visit Prague Castle (Pražský hrad)

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Prague Castle is the largest castle complex in the world. It is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic and was the seat of power for Bohemian kings, Holy Roman emperors, and Czechoslovakian presidents. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Prague Castle is massive and has a long list of things to see and do. You can spend an hour or two here, or almost a full day. With multiple ticket options and multiple entrances, planning a visit here can feel overwhelming.

In roughly 2 to 3 hours, you can visit the Old Royal Palace, St. Vitus Cathedral, St. George’s Basilica, and stroll along the Golden Lane. Add on the tower climb at Saint Vitus Cathedral for a bird’s eye view of Prague.

Prague Castle Photo | Best Things to Do in Prague

Prague Castle (photo taken from Petrin Tower)


Golden Lane Prague Castle

The Golden Lane | Best Things to Do in Prague


Prague Castle View

The view from the South Tower of St. Vitus Cathedral

PRO TRAVEL TIP: You can enter Prague Castle without a ticket. You will pass through a security check and then are free to enter the grounds of the castle. However, in order to enter any of the buildings (such as Saint Vitus Cathedral and the Old Royal Palace) and the Golden Lane, you will need a ticket.

How to Visit Prague Castle

In our Guide to Prague Castle, we cover everything you need to know, including the best things to do, ticket types, how to visit Prague Castle for free, with lots of tips to help you have the best experience.

4. St. Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Church (Kostel svatého Mikuláše) is a Baroque church in Mala Strana. It sits just down the hill from Prague Castle and it is a short walk from Charles Bridge. Note: there is a second St. Nicholas Church which is located in the Old Town, next to the Old Town Square.

St Nicholas Church Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

St. Nicholas Church

This church dates back to the 13th century. However, during the 18th century it was completely rebuilt.

On a visit here, view the nave from the ground floor level. Climb the steps to the second level for an even better view of the nave and the interior of the cathedral. There is a small fee to enter the church and the ticket booth is located in the lobby.

St Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Church

For hours and entrance fees into St. Nicholas Church (which is separate from the tower), click here.

For a breathtaking view of Mala Strana, climb the bell tower of St. Nicholas Church. A long series of wooden staircases takes you up to outdoor and indoor observation platforms. To do this, purchase a ticket from the ticket booth next to the tower (a separate ticket office than the one inside of the church). Get hours and pricing here.

St Nicholas Church View | Best Things to Do in Prague

The view from St. Nicholas Church


St Nicholas Church Terrace

St Nicholas Church View Prague

The view of Prague Castle from St. Nicholas Church

5. Stroll through the Old Town

One of the best things to do in Prague is to wander the colorful, cobblestoned streets of the Old Town. These picturesque streets are lined with shops and restaurants.

Strolling from the Old Town Tower Bridge along Karlova street to the Old Town Square is particularly scenic, but it is also well worth your time to walk along the narrow streets that branch out from here.

Prague Street

Karlova Street


Colorful Buildings in Prague

6. Staroměstské náměstí, the Old Town Square

This iconic square is one of the oldest, grandest squares in Prague. In the 11th century, markets were regularly held here. Those continue today (this square hosts Prague’s best Christmas market in December) but it is also a landmark of the city and a popular tourist attraction.

The Old Town Square is surrounded by other famous buildings, including the Old Town Hall, the Týn Church, the second St. Nicholas Church in Prague, and numerous Baroque and Rococo houses.

Running through the Old Town Square is the Prague Prime Meridian, which was used to tell time from 1652 to 1918.

The Týn Church, also called the Church of Our Lady before Týn, is the main focal point of Old Town Square. It is rather plain looking on the inside and only worth visiting if you have a little extra time on your hands. You cannot take photos of the interior of the church.

Tyn Church Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

Týn Church


Prague Old Town Square | Best Things to Do in Prague

Overlooking Staroměstské náměstí from the Old Town Hall Tower


Prague Christmas Tree

Prague in December

7. Watch the Show at the Astronomical Clock

The astronomical clock (Pražský orloj) is a complicated mechanism that shows several different versions of time. At the top of every hour, the clock puts on a brief show: a skeleton rings his bell, twelve apostles walk by, a rooster crows, and then the clock chimes.

Prague Astronomical Clock

Prague Clock

Prague Crowd

The Astronomical Clock draws a big crowd each hour!

We didn’t think the show quite lived up to the hype, but even so, it is still one of those things that you must see while in Prague. It draws an enormous crowd every hour.

The Astronomical Clock sits on the outside of the Old Town Hall. If you want to see the inner workings of the clock, visit the inside of the Old Town Hall.

8. Visit the Jewish Quarter

The Jewish Quarter, also called the Jewish Ghetto or Josefov, is a an area near the Old Town where Jewish people lived in Prague. At one time, it is estimated that over 18,000 people lived within this small walled area. Most of the quarter was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century, so only a few original buildings remain.

Here are places to visit in the Jewish Quarter.

Old New Synagogue

This is Europe’s oldest active synagogue. Built in 1270, it is one of Prague’s first Gothic buildings.

Old New Synagogue | Best Things to Do in Prague

Old New Synagogue


Old New Synagogue Interior

Inside the Old New Synagogue

Old Jewish Cemetery

This is one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in Europe. People were buried here between the 15th century and 1786. Because of lack of space, tombstones are literally stacked on top of one another.

Jewish Cemetery Prague

Pinkas Synagogue

This is the second oldest surviving synagogue in Prague. Today it commemorates over 77,297 Czech Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

Pinkas Synagogue | Best Things to Do in Prague

Pinkas Synagogue

Spanish Synagogue

This is the newest synagogue in the Jewish Quarter. It was built on the same site as the oldest synagogue. This synagogue gets its name because it was built in Moorish Revival Style. There is a permanent exhibition about the history of Jews in Bohemia from the 1780’s until after World War II.

Spanish Synagogue

Spanish Synagogue

Statue of Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka is a Jewish novelist. His best-known works include Metamorphosis and The Trial. His statue stands outside of the Spanish Synagogue.

Franz Kafka Statue Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

9. Enjoy a Glass or Two of Czech Beer

The Czech Republic is known for brewing some of the world’s best beer. There are numerous pubs and beer halls to visit in Prague. We tried U Fleku, U Medvidku, and the Strahov Monastery Brewery, but the list is endless.

And you don’t have to just drink your beer. Another popular thing to do in Prague is to visit a beer spa, where you soak in a tank of beer.

At the Pilsner Urquell Experience, you can also learn how to perfectly pour a pint of beer (at the Tapster Academy).

You can also take a tour where you sample seven varieties of Czech beer paired with cheese and crackers.

10. The Lennon Wall

When John Lennon was killed in 1980, this wall was covered with memorial graffiti overnight. Every night the police would paint over the graffiti and the next day it would reappear. John Lennon’s ideas gave the Czech people hope during communist rule, so this wall became a symbol of freedom.

The Lennon Wall is located in Mala Strana.

Lennon Wall Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

Lennon Wall


Lennon Wall

Go Deeper: More Things to Do in Prague

1. Národní Museum (The National Museum)

The National Museum is a complex of buildings that contain almost 14 million objects. It sits at the top of Wenceslas Square.

The interior of the main building is gorgeous and recently underwent a major renovation. The highlight of our visit here was seeing and photographing the main staircases in the foyer and the murals on the domed ceiling.

National Museum Prague

Inside the National Museum


Prague National Museum Dome

The main building is connected to the new building (which was the former Prague Stock Exchange) by an underground tunnel.

On display are natural science exhibitions, a Hall of Minerals, exhibitions about prehistoric life, and a history of the Czech lands.

Get pricing, hours, and learn more about the exhibits on the official website.

2. Mucha Museum

This small, quick, easy to visit museum displays the works of art by Alphonse Mucha and contains a documentary about Mucha’s life. A visit here lasts 30 minutes to one hour. Learn more on the official website.

Mucha Museum

Mucha Museum

3. Jerusalem Synagogue

The Jerusalem Synagogue, also called the Jubilee Synagogue, gets its name for its location on Jerusalem Street. It is located outside of the Jewish Quarter. It was built in 1906 in Moorish Revival form with Art Nouveau decorations.

Jerusalem Synagogue Prague

Jerusalem Synagogue

Jerusalem Synagogue

This colorful synagogue looks like is wedged in between the buildings around it. It is just a vibrant on the inside as it is on the outside, with stained-glass windows, painted archways and columns, and beautiful ceiling.

On the upper level are historical exhibitions. Concerts are regularly held in the synagogue. Get hours and pricing here.

4. Try a Trdelník

Trdelníks, also called Chimney Cakes, are Prague’s best sweet treat.


Dough is wrapped around a large stick and then baked over an open fire, slowly rotating, similar to a rotisserie chicken. It is then topped with sugar and walnuts. You can eat it plain or have it filled with ice cream. You’ll see these for sale at small stands all over Prague.

5. Speculum Alchemiae Museum

This is one of the best hidden gems in Prague. Sitting underground, under one of the oldest houses in Prague, is a laboratory where alchemists were attempting to create an elixir of youth. This underground lair dates back to the time of King Rudolf II.

Speculum Alchemiae Museum

The laboratory was discovered after a flood in Prague in 2002 and the space has been turned into a small museum. You can tour this museum with a guide and learn about its fascinating history. It is a bit hokey at times but it is an interesting look into the efforts to turn lead into gold, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the elixirs of eternal youth. You also learn about tunnels that led from this laboratory to the Old Town and Prague Castle.

This is one of the best things to do in Prague with kids.

Tours last 30 minutes. Get hours and pricing on the official website.

6. National Memorial to the Heroes of the Heydrich Terror Horror

During World War II, Czech paratroopers attacked Reinhard Heydrich, a high-ranking Nazi known as the ‘Butcher of Prague,’ and he died of his injuries one week later. It was one of the few successful assassinations during the war.

The paratroopers took shelter in the crypt of the Baroque Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius. From May 27 to June 18, the church provided a hideout for the seven Czechoslovak paratroopers. Their hiding place was betrayed, a battle with the Nazis ensued, and all of the paratroopers died, either from the battle or by taking their own lives.

National Memorial to the Heroes of the Heydrich Terror | Best Things to Do in Prague

The crypt is now a museum and memorial. Bullet holes still scar the walls and information signs tell more about the incident.

The entrance into the memorial is separate from the church. The entrance is on street level. There is a small fee to enter and a visit here takes about 30 minutes.

7. Dancing House

The Dancing House, also called Ginger and Fred, is a unique looking building famous for its deconstructivist architecture. Photographing the outside of this building is a popular thing to do in Prague but you can also visit the upper terrace for panoramic views of Prague. The Dancing House is also a hotel and restaurant.

Dancing House Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

Dancing House


Dancing House View

View from the Glass Bar

The Glass Bar sits on the top floor of the Dancing House and has a rooftop terrace (the best place in the Dancing House for photography). You can also dine with a view at the Fred and Ginger Restaurant or stay in one of the hotel rooms.

8. Dine in a Gothic Tower

There are many towers in Prague, each offering a unique view over the ‘City of a Hundred Spires.’ But if you want an even more unique experience, then book a table at Restaurant Zvonice.

Dine in Prague Tower

Located near the top of Jindřišská Tower, a 15th century tower, you will dine under the wooden rafters and next to the original bell. The menu offers a variety of traditional Czech dishes. Their signature dish, wild boar sirloin in a red wine sauce with potato lumps was phenomenal. And make sure you get their chocolate truffles for dessert. The molten chocolate oozes from these large truffles. Reservations are a must.

You can also walk or take the elevator to the highest room of the tower for another panoramic view of Prague.

9. Visit Lobkowicz Palace

Lobkowicz Palace is a 16th century palace in Prague Castle. It is a privately owned palace and is on a separate ticket from Prague Castle.

This palace is now a museum, displaying paintings by famous artists such as Pieter Brueghel the Elder and Canaletto, decorative art, weapons and hunting equipment, and original manuscripts by Beethoven and Mozart. Classical music concerts are also held in the palace.

The restaurant and café has an outdoor terrace with a panoramic view of Prague. You do not need a ticket to the palace to visit the restaurant.

Lobkowicz Palace View

The view from Lobkowicz Palace

You can tour Lobkowicz Palace without purchasing a ticket to tour Prague Castle. To get to the palace, the best entrance into the castle is the Na Opysi entrance on the east end of the castle.

Tickets are sold online in advance and at the entrance to Lobkowicz Palace.

10. Tour the Old Town Hall

The Old Town Hall already got a mention for its tower and its Astronomical Clock. But it is also important to know that you can tour the inside of the Old Town Hall to see a few notable rooms.

Things to do at the Old Town Hall include touring the state rooms, seeing the chapel, and seeing the inner workings of the Astronomical Clock. You can get a close-up look of the apostles on the Astronomical Clock from the inside of the building.

Prague Clock Apostles

Figurines of the Astronomical Clock


Prague Town Hall Chapel

The chapel inside the Old Town Hall

Get pricing and hours here. We purchased our ticket online in advance through GetYourGuide to skip the ticket line.

11. Enjoy the View from Petrin Tower

This tower, designed to resemble the Eiffel Tower, just on a smaller scale, offers another breathtaking view of Prague. It was built in 1891. The Petrin Tower sits on Petrin Hill, in a gardenlike setting west of the Vltava River.

This is the highest viewpoint of the city and from here you get a sweeping view of Prague.

Petrin Tower View Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

The view from Petrin Tower | Best Things to Do in Prague

To get to the top of the tower, climb 299 steps or take the elevator for an additional fee. Get hours and pricing here.

12. Memorial to the Victims of Communism

This memorial is located near the bottom station of the funicular to Petrin Tower. Six bronze statues commemorate the victims of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989. Each statue stands on a different step and their gradual destruction represents their treatment as political prisoners.

Memorial to the Victims of Communism

Memorial to the Victims of Communism

13. Vyšehrad

Vyšehrad is a fort that stands beside the Vltava River in Prague. There are several things to do on a visit here.

Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul. This neo-Gothic basilica was constructed between 1887 and 1903. The walls and pillars are covered with paintings inspired by Alphonse Mucha, giving this church a very colorful, unique appearance.

Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul Interior

Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul | Best Things to Do in Prague


Vyšehrad Cemetery. This cemetery is the final resting place of famous Czechs, such as Alphonse Mucha, Antonín Dvořák, and Karel Čapek.

Prague Cemetery

Vyšehrad Cemetery

Views of Prague. Walk the fortress walls for sweeping views over the Vltava River and the city of Prague.

View from Prague Fort


You can also see the Romanesque Rotunda of St. Martin, walk the casemates, and tour Gorlice Hall, which holds some of the original statues from Charles Bridge.

Rotunda of St. Martin Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

Rotunda of St. Martin

To get here, you can use public transportation. We used Uber, getting dropped off at Leopold Gate and then walking through the fortress from here. Learn more here.

14. Wenceslas Square

This large, bustling square is lined with office buildings, hotels, restaurants, and shops. Sitting at the top of the square is the National Museum. It is named after Saint Wenceslas, the patron saint of Bohemia.

Over the centuries, numerous demonstrations and celebrations have been held here. Large demonstrations were held here during the Velvet Revolution in 1989.

Wenceslas Square

Wenceslas Square

15. Strahov Monastery & Library

The Strahov Monastery is an abbey which was founded in the 12th century.

The most popular thing to see here is the Strahov Library. A basic ticket allows you to see the two rooms of the library (the Theological Hall and the Philosophical Hall) from Cabinet of Curiosities. You will stand at the entrance to the two halls but won’t be permitted to enter.

Philosophical Hall Prague Strahov Library | Best Things to Do in Prague

Philosophical Hall


Theological Hall Prague Strahov Library

Theological Hall

If you want to enter the rooms, you will have to take a guided tour, which is set up in advance by email. Get pricing, hours, and learn more on the official website.

At the Strahov Monastery, you can also tour the Strahov Picture Gallery, see the inside of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Strahov, and have lunch, dinner, or a beer at the Strahov Brewery.

16. Have a Cocktail at Prague’s Best Bars

Prague may be well known for its beer, but it is also home to quite a few unique cocktail bars.

Our personal favorite is the Alchemist Bar with a very creative menu of cocktails. At the Anonymous Bar, the bartenders wear V for Vendetta masks, preparing cocktails with a wide range of presentations, from fire shows to drinks served in mini blood donation bags. The Monkey Bar is a hip place to have a drink, snack, or meal. The food was so good we considered staying here, skipping our dinner reservation.

Anonymous Bar Prague

Anonymous Bar

For a longer list of cocktail bars in Prague, plus lots of recommendations for lunch and dinner restaurants, take a look at our Where to Eat and Drink in Prague article.

17. Go Shopping at Havel’s Market

Havel’s Market is an outdoor market that is open year round in Prague. For sale are tons of souvenirs, from ceramics to smaller versions of the Astronomical Clock to Christmas ornaments and much, much more. If you want to purchase souvenirs from Prague, this is the best market to visit.

Havels Market Prague

Havel’s Market

18. Visit Prague’s Beautiful Buildings

Česká Pošta is the main post office in Prague. If you will be nearby, it is worth stepping inside to see its beautiful interior. It is located at Jindřišská 909, near Wenceslas Square.

Prague Post Office

Inside the post office

The Municipal House and concert hall (Obecní Dům), located next to Náměstí Republiky and the Powder Tower, is an Art Nouveau building that was decorated by Alfons Mucha, Jan Preisler, and other artists.

19. Gallery of Steel Figures

This is not the type of museum we would typically enter but it gets such great reviews that we had to see what all of the hype was about. And I’m glad we did, as we were truly impressed.

Gallery of Steel Figures

The artist uses recycled steel to create each piece in the exhibit. On a visit here, you will see a wide range of figures, from superheroes, Star Wars characters, Disney characters, transformers, and more. Game of Thrones fans will enjoy sitting on the replica of the Iron Throne.

A visit here lasts about 30 minutes. The gallery is located on Celetná, a very short walk from the OId Town Square. Get hours and pricing on the official website.

20. Quirky Statues and Art Installations

Located throughout Prague are interesting statues and sculptures, some in very unexpected places. We don’t think it is worth going out of your way to see them, but you can mark them on your map (they are also marked on our map below) and visit them if you will be in the area.

Step inside the Municipal Library of Prague to see the cylindrical stack of books from floor to ceiling. We were amazed at the long lines to enter the library to see these books. With so many other things to do in Prague, it didn’t seem worth the wait for us. But if you go at opening time, you can miss the line and save yourself a lot of time.

Prague Library Book Sculpture


Man Hanging Out. David Černý’s statue of Sigmund Freud hangs by a pole over Husova street, in the Old Town of Prague.

Man Hanging Out Prague | Best Things to Do in Prague

Man Hanging Out

Woman with Umbrella & Slight Uncertainty. These two statues dangle above the city street in front of the Mosaic House.

Woman with Umbrella | Best Things to Do in Prague

Water Mill with the Gremlin (Mlýn Huť) is located near the Lennon Wall in Mala Strana. Legend has it that this water sprite begs those passing by for a beer. If given a beer, he’ll reward you with fresh fish.

From Kampa Park, you can look out over the Vltava River to a line of yellow penguins, a famous Instagram spot in Prague.

Finally, there is the Rotating Head of Franz Kafka by David Černý. It is located near the Národní třída metro station.

Best Things to Do in Prague: On a Map

How to Use This Map: Click the icons on the map to get more information about each point of interest. Click the star next to the title of the map to add this map to your Google Maps account. To view it on your phone or computer, open Google Maps, click the menu button, go to “Your Places,” click Maps, and you will see this map on your list.

Best Things to Do in Prague: Our Recommendations

Best Free Things to Do in Prague

Here are 10 great things to do in Prague without spending a dime.

  • Stroll across Charles Bridge
  • Spend some time in the Old Town Square
  • Walk the walls at Vyšehrad fortress
  • Stroll through the Old Town and Mala Strana
  • Watch the Hourly Show at the Astronomical Clock
  • Walk the grounds of Prague Castle
  • See the Lennon Wall
  • See the quirky art installations in Prague
  • Wenceslas Square
  • Visit the Municipal Building

Best Things to Do in Prague with Kids

If you are visiting Prague as a family, here are 10 great things to do with kids.

  • Stroll across Charles Bridge
  • Climb a tower or two
  • Watch the Hourly Show at the Astronomical Clock
  • Speculum Alchemiae Museum
  • The Gallery of Steel Figures
  • Try a Trdelník
  • Visit Petrin Tower and Petrin Park
  • Visit Vyšehrad fortress
  • Tour Prague Castle
  • Visit the National Museum


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the must sees in Prague?

Strolling across Charles Bridge, climbing one or two Gothic towers for panoramic views of the city, touring Prague Castle, visiting the Old Town Square, walking through the Old Town, seeing the Lennon Wall, and visiting St. Nicholas church all top the list of things to do in Prague.

How many days do you need in Prague?

Ideally, plan on spending at least two days in Prague. This gives you one day for the sights in the Old Town and one day for Prague Castle and Mala Strana. With more time, you can go off the beaten path or add on day trips to your visit to Prague.

When is the best time to visit Prague?

The best time to visit Prague is in the spring and fall. This is the shoulder season, when the weather is pleasant and crowds are not at peak levels (that happens in the summer). Summer is the busiest time to visit Prague, so keep that in mind when planning your trip, as you will have to make hotel reservations far in advance.

If you have any questions about the best things to do in Prague, let us know in the comment section below.

More Information for Your Trip to the Czech Republic

PRAGUE: Plan your time with our One Day Prague Itinerary and 2 Days in Prague Itinerary. Take a look at our Guide to Prague Castle for lots of helpful tips for your visit. And here are the best restaurants and bars in Prague and the 10 best views of Prague.

CESKY KRUMLOV: In our Guide to Cesky Krumlov, learn how to plan your day trip from Prague.

CHRISTMAS IN PRAGUE: If you will be visiting Prague in December, don’t miss our guide to the best Christmas markets in Prague, which also includes other festive things to do in the city.

CENTRAL EUROPE ITINERARY: Learn how to put together Budapest, Vienna, and Prague together in our 10 day Central Europe Itinerary.

VIENNA: Get started with our article about the best things to do in Vienna. We also have a guide to 10 must-visit cafes and coffee houses in Vienna.

Read all of our articles about Czech Republic in our Czech Republic Travel Guide.


Best Things to Do in Prague


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All rights reserved © Earth Trekkers. Republishing this article and/or any of its contents (text, photography, etc.), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.

Comments 21

  1. Avatar for Virginia Lin
    Virginia Lin

    Your article is full of wonderful information. I enjoy seeing the beautiful pictures of the city in winter. I plan to follow your recommendations for the top 10 things to do in Prague for my trip in May. Thank you!

    1. Avatar for Julie Post
  2. Avatar for Kerry Cowley
    Kerry Cowley

    I enjoyed your article on Prague. Which of the many towers that you went up are most worth the admission cost? Any suggestions for evening activities for 4 ladies age 63-73? We’ll be coming in July. Do you remember which tour company you took for a day trip to Kutna Hora and would you recommend them again? If we have 3 1/2 days in Prague should we still plan on going there?

    1. Avatar for Julie Post

      Hello Kerry. We just revisited Prague and Vienna in December and will have a lot of new info coming out in a few months (I’m trying to get caught up on other travel posts from 2023). This article will be getting a big update, most likely before your trip, so be sure to check back to our site. We traveled by train to Kutna Hora and visited the town independently, not on a tour. This was in December. It is an extremely popular day trip but we weren’t all that impressed with it. The bone church is amazing to see but photos are not allowed. There’s not much else to visit in town. With 3 days, I don’t think it is worth it. Cesky Krumlov however is worth it. We loved this small, picturesque town. In Prague, our favorite towers are Old Town Hall (an elevator takes you most of the way to the top), Old Town Tower Bridge (for a classic view of the castle and river), and Lesser Town Bridge Tower. In the evening, go to the Alchemist Bar (this was our favorite cocktail spot in Prague) and have lunch or dinner at Restaurant Mlynec (our favorite restaurant in Prague…great food and a cool view of Charles Bridge…make a reservation in advance). Let us know if you have any other questions! Cheers, Julie

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