Tag: Norway

How to Do Norway in a Nutshell on Your Own

Norway in a Nutshell is a scenic tour of Norway. Targeted towards travelers on whirlwind tours of Norway, this is a convenient way to see the “best of the best” of Norway in just one day.  If you only have a week in Norway and want to cruise the fjords and ride one of the […]

How to Hike to Kjeragbolten: The Complete Guide

The Kjeragbolten hike is one of the most spectacular hikes in the world. We have hiked on some amazing trails around the globe, in countries like Australia, South Africa, China, and Nepal. The four of us agree that the Kjeragbolten hike is still our favorite in the world. To read about our 20 favorite hikes in the […]

Kjeragbolten: Our Favorite Hike in Norway

When Tim and I first researched Norway as a travel destination, we repeatedly saw photos of what looked to be crazy people standing on a boulder with 3000 feet of empty space underneath of it. Who does this? As we learned more about the hike, Tim and I decided we wanted to join the club. […]